RARSfest Vehicle Access Information
One of the unique benefits to dealers, vendors, flea market sellers, clubs, organizations, and static display vehicles at RARSfest is the combination of the fact that RARSfest is all indoors and the fact that you can drive up to your assigned location to unload your gear at the beginning of the hamfest (“load-in”) and then load it up again at the end of the hamfest (“load-out”).
But, of course, there are some rules and limitations, and the purpose of this page is to inform you about them so as to avoid any misunderstandings on the day of the hamfest.
- Vehicles will only be permitted to enter the building for load-in between the hours of noon and 7:00 PM on Friday, and 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM on Saturday.
- If you arrive early, line up along the fence to the right even if the doorway is open. We need to keep the doorway clear so that RARSfest Volunteers can bring things in and out of the building.
- All vehicles except Static Display Vehicles must be out of the building by 7:00 PM on Friday and by 7:45 AM on Saturday.
- Static Display Vehicles must be in position by 7:30 AM on Saturday.
- Fairground rules prohibit us from starting the hamfest until all vehicles are out of the building (except for the ones on static display, of course)
- No vehicle movement will be permitted in the building during the hamfest except in the case of an emergency at the direction of the Head of RARSfest Security or the RARSfest Chair
- Vehicles will not be permitted back into the building for load-out on Saturday until after 3:00 PM.
- Vehicles must enter the building through the west loading dock entrance only. We refer to this as the “Load-In” or “Flea Market” Entrance. It is marked as the Load-In Entrance at the bottom center of this map of the Fairgrounds. On arrival, look for the roll-up doors on the west side of the building. Do not drive into the building through any other doors at any time unless specifically directed to do so by the Head of RARSfest Security (only).
- Vehicles must exit the building through either (1) the roll-up door opposite the Load-In Entrance, or (2) one or the other of the roll-up doors at the south end of the building, as directed by Security. Again, these doors are exit only. See the Event Floor Plan.
- The lanes in the Flea Market are one-way only, from the Flea Market entrance to the back of the building. See the Event Floor Plan. Do not drive toward the front of the building (the Commercial Area) down the Flea Market lanes.
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended, either in line to enter the building or while it is in the building, especially in the Flea Market, where the lanes are narrow and easily blocked. “Unattended” means you aren't close enough to your vehicle to hear us when we ask you to move it. Unattended vehicles will be confiscated and held for use in the demolition derby at the Fairgrounds on April 20.
- Turn off your engine while loading and unloading in the building.
- In all cases, follow the instructions of the RARSfest Security Team immediately and without argument. Failure to do so may result in you being ejected from the event. No refunds will be given.